Monday, November 5, 2012

peace among the garden beds

I thought our cafe days were over when our little one started to wake from his newborn slumber. But coffee expeditions are actually more fun now if we get the venue right. We love this local cafe and its veggie gardens - perfect for a boy who likes to clutch at stones with his chubby hands, pull up on wooden benches and swat at flowers. Much more relaxing sitting among the garden beds with coffees in hand than trying to entertain him in a high chair. It sounds obvious, I know, but we're still pretty new at this parenting gig. 


  1. and such beautiful parents you both are ... stunning pictures capturing sweet moments. xx

  2. Oh my goodness, what a beautiful photographer you are! Such a sweet baby boy!

  3. Oh we love the corner store cafe!! Your photos are just magnificent. What a lovely time your little man must have had pottering through their vegie garden. Hope all is lovely in your world.
    Steph :) x


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