Tuesday, October 30, 2012

to health and deadlines

A little tear slides down his cheek ... We're both a little worse for wear today. Bassie is teething and I often go down hill after I've put a run of stories to bed. That's when I retreat to my parents' house because mum always makes everything better. Right now she's making me sweet potato and quinoa salad for lunch while the boy sleeps. I love her. 

I'm gluten intolerant and not so great with dairy either, which you think would motivate me to avoid the stuff. I eat mostly whole foods and fresh produce and I love to cook but when story deadlines are looming I tend to let my guard down and eat whatever is easiest, which is often of the bread variety. After I eat bits of gluten for a few days in a row, the nausea sets in, the guilt follows soon after and then I really feel terrible! 

When the deadline fog has lifted, I immediately attempt to repair the damage by visiting these sites for gluten-free eating and living inspiration: Cannelle et Vanille, Sarah Wilson, and Jude Blereau. The Gwinganna Health Retreat recipe book, "Gwinganna ... from garden to gourmet" is also full of delicious recipes for gluten- and dairy-free whole food meals. 

But this self-sabotage has to stop. My new plan of action when I see story deadlines on the horizon is to stock the pantry and prepare protein-filled salads for the fridge. I must start applying the same care and attention to preparing meals for myself as I do for Bassie. I need to apply "aeroplane rules", as my husband likes to call it: it's important to fit your own oxygen mask before assisting others.

Every day is a new day, I like to tell myself. I wonder when I will learn? 

(P.S. Tips for finding dietary willpower are most welcome.)


  1. oh i wish i lived closer to you and could pop up on your door step with a yummy salad and fresh lemon balm mint tea for you to drink. take it easy and good idea heading to your mums. take care sweet friend and kisses to bassie xx

  2. this makes me think of so many ideas for another post. how do us busy mama's make time for ourselves ? i just don't know where we are supposed to fit in the time xx


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